Your Guide to Reading the Entire Bible in One Year
For more than 20 years, many haveåÊcultivated their relationship with Christ usingåÊUMI'såÊPrecepts for Living Commentary. ThisåÊedition, for the first time ever, covers the entire Bible in one year!
åÊTheåÊPrecepts for Livingå¨:åÊThe Entire Bible in One YearåÊcommentary will enhance personal study with powerful, life-transforming insights, an amazing depth of study, and instructional resources. It will also help you achieve your goal of reading and understanding the entire Bible in one year.åÊPrecepts for Livingå¨:åÊThe Entire Bible in One YearåÊprovides content on all 66 books of the Bible, parallel KJV and NLT translations, in-depth historical, biographical, and geographic insights, discussion and Bible application, and Greek and Hebrew word studies. It also includes:åÊåÊåÊ
- Weekly Bible Study Guide
- Daily Bible Readings
- QR Codes for Online Resources
- Holiday Features
- Black History Profiles
TheåÊWeekly Bible Study GuideåÊoffers scripture in both KJV and NLT. It also offers, ‰ÛÏThe People, Places, and Times,‰ ‰ÛÏBackground,‰ ‰ÛÏIn Depth,‰ and ‰ÛÏMore Light on the Text‰ sections to help provide insight and understanding of the text. But the sections include more than a simple compilation of information. In each lesson, you will also see ‰ÛÏIn Focus‰ stories and ‰ÛÏLiberating Lesson‰ and ‰ÛÏApplication for Activation‰ sections serving as catalysts for applying the biblical text to life situations.
TheåÊDaily Bible ReadingåÊscriptures are there to guide you through your Bible reading for the rest of the week.
Next to the weekly In Focus stories, you will seeåÊQR Codes. The codes will lead you to additional content, including videos of our In Focus stories and Teaching Tips. To use the QR Code, open the camera app on your mobile device to scan the QR Code. Then click on the link to access the videos and teaching tips. Need additional help accessing these resources? Please call 1-800-860-8642 for assistance.
TheåÊHoliday FeaturesåÊsection includes articles that highlight liturgical and cultural holidays such as Christmas, Easter, and Juneteenth. Many of the articles inspire the reader to reflect on the spiritual and historical foundation of the holidays and commissions us to remember why we celebrate.
TheåÊBlack History ProfilesåÊfeature African and African American leaders who used their God-given gifts and talents to help their communities. They are testaments to how God can use a person to make a positive impact locally, nationally, and globally.