Strategies For Educating African American Children
Product Code:6-9704
Ideal for teachers of student ages 6 to 11, Strategies for Educating African American Children is designed to help you skillfully integrate new ideas and traditional methods that will enhance the learning experience.
Strategies for Educating African American Children explains how children learn and which teaching styles work best. This book provides guidelines and methods to prepare you to teach using the valuable information presented within it. It makes for a well-rounded study as it presents the history of teaching children in the African American church and further aids in the understanding of the development of children.
“This book should be widely used in African American churches to strengthen the teaching ministry for children. I highly recommend it.” -- Perry G. Downs, Associate Dean for Doctoral Programs, Trinity Evangelical Divinity School, and author of Teaching for Spiritual Growth.
“…a valuable addition to Christian education generally, and specifically to the area of children’s ministry within the African American community and church.” --Dr. Bennie Goodwin, Ph. D.
For more than 40 years, Dr. Judith St. Clair Hull has devoted her life to educating inner-city children. She began as a teacher in the Chicago Public Schools and now, for more than 30 years, Dr. Hull has served as Senior Editor at Urban Ministries, Inc. writing and developing children's curriculum.